Background for
With the success of the Online Showdown events I have run during this last year I have had the opportunity to work with a bunch of wonderful artists! Most of them have been willing to let me pay them extra money so I could print and distribute the alt-arts to other TOs. It has been my goal since I first stated talking with artists in our community to help increase the access to affordable and exciting netrunner prizing. Null Signal Games offers some amazing prizing with their Casual Tournament Kits and quarterly GNKs, but I always try and have extra goodies at the events I run and often players already have the cards NSG has released.
Thanks for checking out the website! Good luck on the nets! - ManintheMoon
Who can purchase things from the site?
Right now everything on the site is only for sale to TOs for use as prize support at netrunner events. I eventually hope to sell some items directly to players, but for now I'm focusing on helping support other TOs with this site.
If you would like to register for a tournament organizer account click on this link ⬅️
What can we expect from this site in the future?
Like I said above I eventually hope to sell some items directly to players. I also hope to add significantly more prize support options as time goes on. As long as the artists I work with are up for it I will release future showdown prizes about 2 months after the event ends. I created product pages for the Finality byCat Shen and Earth Station by PiCat, but I will be waiting to start selling them to TOs for a few months.
I'm an artist I would love to get involved is that possible?
Yes, I am really excited about the prospect of working with more artists. That being said a lot of work and energy that goes into the production and distribution of alt-arts. I have to be selective about the art I spend time, money, and energy bringing thought the that process. If you're interested I would love to talk with you more about it. You can email me at
How long does it take you to ship?
Honestly I'm just starting this website and am not 100% sure what the demand is going to look like. Currently everything is set to stock zero, but you should be able to purchase everything except the items still under a waiting period (Finality and Earth Station). Once I get an initial set of orders I'll order the cards from DTC and distribute them once they arrive. I expect the initial orders to take 4-6 weeks for USA and +2 weeks for International orders. After the initial orders have been shipped I will try and keep items in stock and hopefully have shipping times of 1-2 weeks for USA and +1 week for International orders.
Other questions? Contact me 🙂
The contact page or
Discord - maninthem00n
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